Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Schedule for 2014 Philadelphia Summer School in Continental Philosophy - Topic: Continental Philosophy of Religion and the New Metaphysics

2014 Philadelphia Summer School in Continental Philosophy

Workshop Topic:
Continental Philosophy of Religion and the New Metaphysics

Date: Saturday August 9th, 2014
Time:  9:00am-5pm

Building/Room: Faculty Center Lounge, Faculty Center (next to Good Counsel Hall)
Immaculata University
Malvern, PA

Leon Niemoczynski (lniemocz@mail.immaculata.edu)
Stephanie Theodorou (STheodorou@Immaculata.edu)

9:00-9:20  Opening Remarks: The Current State of Continental Metaphysics: Realism, Materialism, and Religion?

 Leon Niemoczynski, Immaculata University
“Continental Metaphysics: Realism, Materialism, and Religion?”

9:20-10:20 Session 1: Metaphysics of the Infinite: Heidegger, Levinas, Badiou

Ashley Gay, Emory University:
“God’s Absence is Not Nothing: Thinking the Holy Otherwise”

Mike Ardoline, Lebanon Valley College:
”The Demands of Things: Reconciling Badiou and Levinas on Infinity”

10:20-10:30 Mid-Morning Break

10:30-11:30 Session 2: Latour's Ontology: Realism, Materialism, and Theology

Andrew Vantland, Institute for Christian Studies:
“Real-ing Them In: Philosophy, Rhetoric, and Continental (Anti) Realism

Thomas Millary, Eastern Mennonite University:
“Networks, Assemblages, and Force Fields: Latour’s Ontology and the New Materialism”

11:30-11:40 Late-Morning Break


John Caputo, Syracuse University:
Seminar on Quentin Meillassoux & Ray Brassier

12:30-1:00 Lunch (Faculty Center)


John Caputo, Syarcuse University:
Seminar on Bruno Latour and Catherine Malabou

1:50-2:00 Early-Afternoon Break

2:00-3:00 Session 2: The Metaphysics of Immanence: Materialism, Vitalism, and Plasticity

Justin Pearl, Duquesne University:
“Vital Immanence: Michael Henry and Gilles Deleuze in Conversation”

Stephanie Theodorou, Immaculata University:
“Towards a Hermeneutic Theory of Mind: Metaphor and Plasticity in Ricoeur and Malabou”

3:00-3:10 Late-Afternoon Break

3:10-4:10  Session 3: The Metaphysics of Evil: Suffering and Salvation

Z. Belinsky, American University:
“Soteriology and Suffering: The Phenomenology, Discourse, and Politics of Salvation

Marc Westmoreland, Villanova University:
"the Constellation of Evil, Politics, and Religion(s)”

4:10-5:00 Round Table Discussion/Conclusion

Suggested Reading List
The Future of Continental Philosophy of Religion, ed. Crockett, Putt, Robbins (Indiana UP, 2014)
The Insistence of God, John Caputo (Indiana UP, 2013)
The Weakness of God: A Theology of the Event, John Caputo (Indiana UP, 2006)
Religion, Politics, and the Earth: The New Materialism, Crockett & Robbins (Radical Theologies), (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2013)

See Also:
After Finitude, Quentin Meillassoux, trans. Brassier (Continumm, 2008)
Nihil Unbound, Ray Brassier (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010)
We Have Never Been Modern, Bruno Latour (Harvard UP, 1993)
Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory, Bruno Latour, (Oxford UP, 2007)
On the Modern Cult of the Factish Gods, Bruno Latour (Duke UP, 2010)
Rejoicing: Or the Torments of Religious Speech, Bruno Latour (Polity, 2013)
An Inquiry into the Modes of Existence, Bruno Latour (Harvard, 2013)
The Future of Hegel, Catherine Malabou, trans. During (Routledge, 2004)
Plasticity at the Dusk of Writing: Dialectic, Destruction, Deconstruction, Catherine Malabou, trans. Shread (Columbia UP, 2009)
Self and Emotional Life: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, and Neuroscience, Malabou & Johnston (Columbia UP, 2013)